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Ronaldo is a good player so what man united should do to keep him as a good player is look for players who can facilitate balls to cr7 so that he can score more goals and this will help him not to over strain himself thus making him to play more matches minus getting injured.
added by Anonymous 745 days ago 2    0

Ronaldo should play every game that manchester united play to make him agood player of all seasons. Ronaldo should also play with sancho to be agood player
added by Anonymous 859 days ago 1    0

Manchester United has to help Christian Ronaldo keep strong and scoring many goals by allowing him playing many matches, playing every match this will help him keep strong and confident due to his age then he will score every match as he has a power to do so, he will be the best player in the season for the English premier liege as well championship
added by Anonymous 873 days ago 2    0

What Manchester United should do to keep Ronaldo a good player of the year as well as of all seasons

Manchester United should help Ronaldo by making him access all the matches such as playing at least a half time thus that would keep him strong and good because he is also good at scoring goals he is also good at running thus that would keep him good at his opportunity and enable him to be a good striker in the matches of this season.

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