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True but self love is more vital than expecting to be loved by another person because some people they fake their love affairs for their selfish interests and it hurts being dumped by a person you have been trusted as your lover.
added by Anonymous 950 days ago 2    0

True! love is the key source of happiness and when love is in your life expect alot of good things cause love is a beautiful thing created by God and by love that's why we are still living i believe in love
added by Anonymous 950 days ago 1    0

Love is one the major source of happiness among people especially the married ones

To love and to be loved is one the major source of happiness to some people thought it's somehow hurting when your lover (boyfriend/girlfriend) dumps you and it has caused alot misery in many families since some of the rejected ones sees suicide as the only option but regardless of the little misery it's one of the happiness source

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