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Ya que se tiene la oportunidad de investigar mas a fondo de un tema o aprender en el uso de las plataformas digitales que nos brinda la tegnologia e informatica

added by Anonymous 921 days ago 0    0

Vertual learning is best due to the fact that corona virus is still high. The only worry is that most people have not yet adapted to vertual learning. Very few people can afford smart phones or Tvs. This mostly affect people from villages who dont even have electricity. As time goes on Vertual learning will take over face to face teaching.
added by Anonymous 950 days ago 2    0

Pandemic of Coronavirus has complicated All business around the earth.Today it 's difficult to discuss face ton face ton avoid sikness
added by Anonymous 950 days ago 2    0

Virtual Study is the only best way to learning online

Before pandemic crisis, most everyone was confident to study face to face. But 99.9% of people in thr world are busy study online and its a best way to do to prevent corona virus spreading in the world. So the new generation will only know about study online. Sometimes we need some conditions to happen to change the method of something becausr, it is left without choices.

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Traditional/ physical learning is vital especially with young students because it's the best way for a students can learn and understand what's being taught to them with physical skills emphasised by their teachers unlike online studying. Secondly schools had already resumed normally in most countries even in those with highly connected with Internet but in some countries such as Uganda, due to evil agendas against the education sector, covid 19 was utilised as a blessing in disguise to destroy the already devastated education sector while advocating for virtual learning when the Internet is highly taxed yet international schools are operating normally without following the so called SOP'S.
added by Anonymous 951 days ago 1    0