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outputs that benefits the rest of population. When Money programs or Venture Founding Programs springs up that claims to offer much income to many people even with
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

World's Economy is the reason why no company on Earth has been able to financially free people from working into financial independence! Does this Conspiracy theory fly with you?
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

Do you believe this Conspiracy theory?

In order for the Whole World to function properly say for example in Food Production & Distribution with the Whole World Economy to go with it requires majority of 7 Billion World's population to be working & productive to produce outputs that benefits the rest of population. When Money programs or Venture Founding Programs springs up that claims to offer much income to many people even with credibility that could make most people financially independent spreading to majority World's 7 Billion population this would cause the Worlds Economic output in serious jeopardy because most people will not work anymore to keep the World's production going being a threat so serious that the Authorities will always come in to shutdown any potential online income program in order to keep majority population working for the World's Economy is the reason why no company on Earth has been able to financially free people from working into financial independence! Does this Conspiracy theory fly with you?

How do you vote?

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