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Are you denying that you have a brain? Your statement is only correct if you look at it from the non-material, i.e. the spiritual-soul perspective
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

quantum world just goes to show that reality, really, could be subjective. That observation creates the universe and not the other way around.
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

Yes like safe zone connected many people in the house for rent on I registered for Airtle to prevent me on
added by Anonymous 1358 days ago 0    0

There's no outside or objective reality

The fact that colors don't exist outside our brains plus discoveries in the quantum world just goes to show that reality, really, could be subjective. That observation creates the universe and not the other way around.

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This is a contradiction to itself. If the brain is to create the universe and reality, it would have to create itself first. Are you denying that you have a brain? Your statement is only correct if you look at it from the non-material, i.e. the spiritual-soul perspective. As long as you argue on a material basis (brain), you are going round in circles. The solution lies in the mind alone.
added by Dirk Herfurth 1357 days ago 0    0