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This makes it virtually impossible for any US politician to be free from corruption. Do you feel the politicians in your country are corrupt or not so much?
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

Corruption with politicians differs according to a particular country or region. For the of US, it has been a tendency for cooperations, individuals to contribute funds for the candidate and there's accountability for that funds but in other countries such as in most African countries, the level of Corruption is rampant among politicians with the regards to public resources hence retarding developmental activities in those countries.
added by Anonymous 1023 days ago 0    0

It is not only in the USA that politicians are corrupt because they receive money from from established businesses to achieve their ambitions.
In some countries, they go as far as to eliminate their political opponents or hound their family members and associates.
added by 1000851268 1200 days ago 1    0

The politicians in Africa are worse when it comes to corruption. They not only take money from corporate businesses but from individuals. They loot the treasury and frustrate the business of people who are unwilling to "donate" to their evil rulerships. Only a few of them have the interest of their citizens at heart.
added by 1000851268 1204 days ago 1    0

More than you think, these people are griddy, they dont care apart from their families and stomach. The rest they dont want to know.
Money made man mad mostly in generation and it will never come to an end until God brings back Noahs regime and he is selective enough, innocent ones on corruption they ard the one to enter.
added by Anonymous 1212 days ago 2    0

Corruption is the fuel that drives politics. The whole farce and competition for political positions especially I'm my country, is fuelled by the desire of individuals to attain financial benefits.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

politicians are always accepting money from corporations and special interest groups. This makes it virtually impossible for any US politician to be free from corruption. Do you feel the politicians in your country are corrupt or not so much. The truth thy are more corrupt
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

Exactly those day political is job of some people but cruption now like gift from Stan or like miles.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

Many political leaders are corrupt because they don't care about people's lives and living they just think about themselves and families. For example leaders in Uganda.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

Yes many politicians leaders are corrupt where by they don't consider the lives of people who turned to that they are....not knowing that corrupt is not good
added by 1000923395 1361 days ago 2    0

Yes, world wide politicians are corrupt because, in most times the get involved in politics with a self entered ambitions and they all come in way to help people from the previous dictatorship and corrupt governments but all end up doing the same but most times this is mostly acvording to the situations around them however it is stated that politics is adirty game so we don't espect much from politicians...
added by 1000965722 1361 days ago 2    0

Yes most of the political industry is very corrupt and always satisfying own interests apart from a few . its why in most countries those who have over ruled are being thrown out.lets pray for the world.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

Most politicians are money minded not delivering what they are supposed to deliver due to their personal interests.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

Most of the politicians in whole world are corrupt as it has seen politicians accepting money from different organisations in form of bribes and politicians giving out money to the common people during that time of campaigns
added by Anonymous 1362 days ago 2    0

yes i agree with this statement especially in africa most leaders are really corrupt,look at asituation like during the voting process most of them bribe voters to vote them into office,others accept money from governments to pass bills in parliament that favor the governments in power like extensing the terms of office of the presidents,ammending the constituton to favor the current president
added by Anonymous 1362 days ago 2    0

Most politician are so corrupt whereby they don't even consider the lives of people who voted for them all they think about is themselves and their families, they so selfish and greedy , it's like for God and their stomach with empty promises
added by Anonymous 1362 days ago 2    0

Now days some of them have a saying that corruption is part of development, which is a false concept to believe in by them. It would have been true if it's at a measurable degree, but it's too worse.
added by Anonymous 1362 days ago 2    0

especially the ones where their bank accounts keep going up on government salaries (which are not enough to make them multi-millionaires), they use insider trading, they get special favors for themselves, their children, spouses and other family members. It is interesting how much the son of a politician can get paid even after they get thrown out of the US military for drug use and have no training or professional experience in the field where they get paid these large sums of money from. Things that make you go hmmmm....
added by Anonymous 1362 days ago 2    0

Most Politicians Are Corrupt These Days

In the USA, politicians are always accepting money from corporations and special interest groups. This makes it virtually impossible for any US politician to be free from corruption. Do you feel the politicians in your country are corrupt or not so much?

How do you vote?

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Corruption starts from me and you..leaders find it hard to fight because of misguidance with in us..forexample if you need aquick serrvice from me sometime its inevitable to ask something from you thus promoting corruption with in the community.
added by 1000926025 1362 days ago 1    0

Corrupt means to me being in Corruption of law breaking activities then just being crooked taking advantageous position over others.
added by 1000000338 1362 days ago 1    0