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When starting Rabbit farming you don't need much capital to start unlike other animals like poultry. Little costs in buying medicine, in
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

breed it's cheaper and its efficient because it produces every month and many young ones. Please invest in Rabbit rearing if you want quick return's.
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

It's cheap when starting Rabbit Farming.And it doesn't require alot of skills . It even requires less time compared to other types of farming like cattle etc. Rabbit Farming is also highly paid interms of it's meat. When u compare the prices of other meat , mutton is still highly paid in the whole world. Mutton is also on high demand compared other types of meat.
added by 1001047350 1357 days ago 0    0


When starting Rabbit farming you don't need much capital to start unlike other animals like poultry. Little costs in buying medicine, in buying feeds , even buying the breed it's cheaper and its efficient because it produces every month and many young ones. Please invest in Rabbit rearing if you want quick return's.

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I don't believe it so , for me I would take dog breeding as one of best economical and profitable business to venture not rabbits.
Because with dogs it's only the rich who can afford making it profitable.
added by Anonymous 1359 days ago 1    0