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gases according to our elementary and low level classes. We are then told that wind is the moving air, then what is it
added by Anonymous 712 days ago 0    0

elementary and low level classes. We are then told that wind is the moving air, then what is itelementary and low level classes. We are then told that wind is the moving air, then what is it
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

There is a big difference.
Air is the gaseous mixture in our atmosphere. The atmosphere is a thin layer of gases that surrounds the Earth. It composed of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and traces of other gases that make up the balance.

while Wind is the flow of air. Winds may be calm, gentle, breeze, gusts, gale, storm, hurricane.wind can cause damages than air.
added by Anonymous 1358 days ago 0    0

Air is the combination of gases in the atmosphere such as the oxygen we breathe which cover the entire world as part of our protective atmospheric layer from the Sun rays.
Wind, on the hand, is only the vertical or horizontal movement of air generated by pressure, temperature differentials and rotation of Earth about its axis. This however is not a smooth process for the surface over which air flowing also affects its turbulence and speed. There are speed gradients arisen from surface friction like mountains and hot deserts and from ocean friction and current eddies.
added by Anonymous 1358 days ago 0    0

The two are different inthis way,
Air is a matter because it occupies space and it contains gasses but wind is acontent inside the air and it doesnt occupy space
added by 1000965722 1358 days ago 0    0

Air and wind are different from each other because air is important to our lives and we need it to get oxygen while wind destroys our houses, trees etc
added by 1001049122 1358 days ago 0    0

Air is the gaseous mixture in the atmosphere It includes oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Wind is the horizontal motion of air caused by the pressure difference between two places
added by Anonymous 1358 days ago 0    0

Air and wind, are they different or are they similar?

But is air and wind different or similar?? We are told that air is the mixture of gases according to our elementary and low level classes. We are then told that wind is the moving air, then what is it

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