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It is created by humans with an aim of killing people to reduce population.. and to establish so many slavery systems to control humanity
added by Anonymous 475 days ago 0    0

Yes and very supportive on this!, People have always worked tirelessly to bring new things on board and in the long run,some outcomes tend to be hazardous than they expected.Coron virus must have been one of this kind.Alternatively, they are at the same time able to come up with Vaccines to mitigate it.
added by 1001245923 708 days ago 1    0

It is similar with the human who create Computer Program Virus and at the same time he/she create Computer Program Anti Virus.??
added by Anonymous 715 days ago 0    0

Yes it's true COVID was man made pandemic I .sure for the certern powers to have a chance to start ruling the whole's something which had a target of how it will come and go
added by Anonymous 726 days ago 0    0

The lab-leak hypothesis usually points the finger at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is close to the Huanan Seafood Market, where the first major cluster of infections occurred. The institute has a long history of collecting and analysing bat coronaviruses. The leak scenario usually involves researchers tinkering around with a virus to investigate its properties, perhaps in gain of function experiments in which pathogens are modified to be more harmful in a bid to understand them better. This modified virus then somehow slipped through the lab's biosafety net, which has been criticised by many for being full of holes. However, there is no documented evidence of such experiments taking place. The World Health Organization and US intelligence are both taking the lab-leak hypothesis seriously. However, some scientists are concerned that this is a distraction from the most likely origin of the virus wild animals and that we are running out of time to determine the true origin.
added by Anonymous 835 days ago 0    0

On my idea corona is created by human on condition of creating a cold war on some countries however it later became harsh to control due to its imutations that it changes from now and then as it affects one person and the other
added by RUDIA MUHAWENIMANA 1127 days ago 2    0

I believe the Corona virus is the creation of man. I think the two main reasons for the creation are to make money and to wipe off or decimate a particular race of people from the earth. But it is only God that can decree a thing and it comes to pass. The pandemic is raging and the world is struggling to contain it. God is watching us!
added by 1000851268 1214 days ago 1    0

Yes i believe on mi opinion this virus was created by human being because i hve been listening to radios and history of other virus dat was made i do be believe this virus was made by people
added by 1001100493 1355 days ago 1    0

Its really very hard to predict as some of these things are natural calamities and disasters of the time. actually i was listening to some radio talk show I hear every time there is a transformation from one century to another such epidemics prevail but after words disappears
added by Anonymous 1360 days ago 1    0

Several evidences shows that corona virus created by human being either in china or united states of america but it's not yet to be proved from the international recognised health agencies
added by 1001071304 1361 days ago 1    0

created by a human, and on the other side the human is also trying to create Anti Virus. It is similar with the human who create Computer Program Virus and at the same time he/she create Computer Program Anti Virus.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 1    0

Well, I can believe in this.
Because in my own opinion, everything named as a virus is created and formed by no one but humans. So I can agree with you that its created by humans
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 1    0

Yes Corona virus is created by human because it was naturally not found in existence, so due it's recent out break in acertain country signifies man made virus.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 1    0

In my opinion, Corona Virus is created by a human, and on the other side the human is also trying to create Anti Virus. It is similar with the human who create Computer Program Virus and at the same time he/she create Computer Program Anti Virus the same way they created HIV virus in expectations of making money after selling Anti Virus
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 1    0

indeed corona is man made from the labs in china according what we hear is that it leaked from someone that stole it,that wanted to give it to the americans
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 1    0

I believe that covid-19 is due maybe to human irresponsibility at a certain level. We had been and are continuously advancing in all aspects of life but at certain points of these developments, there are persons who intentionally or unintentionally do damage to nature and human life. This damage such as a pandemic like what we have now could be a result of chains of actions and reactions made by us ourselves.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 1    0

I think this corona virus was created by a human being so that to finish up the whole world as you know that people nowdays are no longer godly. They don
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 1    0

It's interesting that the virologist from Hong Kong came out the other day claiming she has proof that the virus was indeed created in the lab in Wuhan. She said she is writing a report with the evidence now, so we will see in the coming weeks. She has worked with the W.H.O. on coronaviruses, so seems to know what she is talking about from my perspective. No matter what the reasons are behind this virus, my heart and well wishes go out to everyone around the world suffering in one form or another because of this virus and all the associated consequences. I do think these challenges will pass eventually, we will overcome, and we will all come together even stronger locally and around the world because of this shared experience. Stay safe and be well all!
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 1    0

Maybe not with intent, but unintentionally providing an environment for an existing virus to mutate into a mutant strain
added by 1000924676 1361 days ago 1    0

It might be right. Because the fact tells that country where the Virus born at the first time, is also the country is the first country who has been able to produce the Corona Anti Virus.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

Corona Virus is Created by Human

In my opinion, Corona Virus is created by a human, and on the other side the human is also trying to create Anti Virus. It is similar with the human who create Computer Program Virus and at the same time he/she create Computer Program Anti Virus.

The goal is HUGE MONEY from the sales of the Anti Viruses

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A coronavirus that infects animals could develop a mutation in its genetic material that allowed it to infect humans. Another theory is that the first cases of COVID-19 came from a lab incident. A lab studying coronaviruses could have had an accident that exposed humans to COVID-19, after which it spread rapidly to the rest of the world.
added by Anonymous 492 days ago 0    0