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He is doing more than any other US president, i am pretty sure you agree with me, kool.He can solve the problems and the economy will explode next year for sure. He is doing more than any other US president, i am pretty sure you agree with me, kool.
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

We are behind him in prayers but his opponentwill use malpractices to see that he pulls him down because peaple say laws were made to e broke by people but all in all lets wait the grace of our God.
added by Anonymous 1204 days ago 2    0

By now the US elections has come and gone, and we have seen the results. Considering the way people massively voted PRO and the actual results, I have come to the conclusion that the US election was flawed. Democracy was put into question.
added by 1000851268 1214 days ago 3    0

He has chance to the election but on the other hand is hard to know if he will win because we have to wait until the last day when they finish counting the votes and declare the winner
added by 1000917050 1327 days ago 2    0

US elections and politics actually affect greatly the economic progress of the world. Because the dollar currency is still widely being used in the world market, if the elections of the US do not go well, the whole world will taste the consequences of the same.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

US elections in november 3rd, he will make america great again. He can solve the problems and the economy will explode next year for sure. He is doing more than any other US president, i am pretty sure you agree with me, kool.
added by Anonymous 1361 days ago 2    0

US Elections Probably The Most Importante In the History

Trump will win for sure, the next US elections in november 3rd, he will make america great again. He can solve the problems and the economy will explode next year for sure. He is doing more than any other US president, i am pretty sure you agree with me, kool.

How do you vote?

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