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Those were the days that they are just using vinyl record players . Those days the singers and artists are just pure talents , no extra technology added to enhance their voices .
added by Anonymous 712 days ago 0    0

Those were the days that they are just using vinyl record players . Those days the singers and artists are just pure talents , no extra technology added to enhance their voices
added by Anonymous 713 days ago 0    0

Yes i do cause music in 80s had good messages i mean encouraging words but now days musicians just drop their meaningless songs
added by Anonymous 1338 days ago 2    0

Music of the 60's and 70's considered the Best Years of Music Industry, Do you agree ?

For me the best singers and composers are from the 60's and 70's era .
The time where Music Industry becomes one of the most lucrative business .
Those were the days that they are just using vinyl record players . Those days the singers and artists are just pure talents , no extra technology added to enhance their voices .
The songs of the Oldies are until now still being played again and again , they called them Retro Songs .

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