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They mixed style elements of country and rhythm & blues, switched from the saxophone to the electric guitar
added by Anonymous 704 days ago 1    0

Revolutionary inventors - the forefathers of Rock'n Roll

They were pioneers and the inventors of rock'n roll - Chuck Berry, Little Richard, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Bill Haley, Elvis Presley.

They dared to take the decisive step out of swing (a subspecies of jazz) by Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman and George Gershwin, took up the spirit of their time, the 1950s, and dared to experiment with composition, poetry and performance, which at the time was a real shock with the establishment.

They mixed style elements of country and rhythm & blues, switched from the saxophone to the electric guitar and thus inspired generations of musicians, such as the brilliant Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, The Who and many more ..

This music history big bang will probably never be to repeat.

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