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Man kind must live because of sustainable environment. We must therefore promote it for effective life growth.
added by Anonymous 490 days ago 0    0

Our Environment is our life and it is from this background that we are able to live and sustain our development and for good livelihood.
added by Anonymous 490 days ago 0    0

This is a problem created by you, me and everyone, and it needs drastic change by everyone to create a future for our children that we can be proud of.
added by Anonymous 704 days ago 0    0

Yes if we can work together love one another we can save the world , if all nations were content with what they have to avoid wars poverty etc
added by 1001249430 717 days ago 0    0

A future in which catastrophic climate change is kept at bay while we still power our developing world. A future in which we can feed 10 billion people worldwide and provide cleaner, more abundant drinking water while also protecting life-giving lands, lakes and rivers. A future in which nature’s wild heart still beats strong through healthy wildlife and magnificent landscapes while our cities are strengthened by harmony with nature. A future in which people and nature thrive together. Science shows us this vision of the future is achievable, and we must join together and put all our effort into the big priorities that will make this vision a reality. New science shows a clear path we must take to prevent irreversible damage to the lands, waters that sustain us all. It's not too late to choose a more sustainable future where nature and people thrive together. To reach it, we must transform the way we get our food, fish and energy right now.
added by Anonymous 812 days ago 0    0

Yes. We can still make our earth a better place to live. God gave us a beautiful and a safe planet to dwell in. The problem of our earth is caused by man and man can save the earth if he changes the way he does things. Ozone depletion is as a result of man's acts and if he changes his harmful acts, the earth will begin to recover. Let us work together to save our earth, it's the only one we have got.
added by 1000851268 1204 days ago 1    0

It depends saving it from what,,global warming,too easy to do that
This is just the begining of earth destruction by food eaters,,,industries are stil being set we are still in the era of using fuel run cars,eart is still doomed
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 3    0

Yes I believe that we can save the world if we end up corruption, laundring of money and stealing of votes during election time. I still believe digital transformation can save the world.
added by 1000922738 1352 days ago 3    0

Yes for God wishes we have time if we need to do that because of we have knowledge God he give us we are supposed to do it.
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 3    0

There is still much time to save the world through civic education ,especially with the current error the world need s to be transformed from analogue to digital and safezone has the answers to all and to save the world through the many innovative projects upcoming and already in place. Its never too late to save the world economies .
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 3    0

Yes we still have that time what we should do is to avoid bad habits like corruption and to stop them in our societies and to avoid corrupt leaders in our countries plus avoiding polluting activities in societies so that we can save our environment and the world at large
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 3    0

Do we still have time to save our world?

For how much longer do we stand by, and watch our beautiful world die? We must stop polluting our rivers and oceans. More electric cars need to be cheaply produced and we must drastically reduce our need for plastics. Or do we wait until the ice caps melt and cause coastal flooding on a worldwide scale. This is a problem created by you, me and everyone, and it needs drastic change by everyone to create a future for our children that we can be proud of. Let’s make 2020 the year that we turn back the clocks.

How do you vote?

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Our World won't be able to prevent climate change global temperatures from going over increased average of 2 degrees as more methane is released being over 20 times potent then Carbon Dioxide that stays much longer in our atmosphere is being released from relaxed environmental laws from USA Donald Trump.
added by 1000000338 1352 days ago 1    0