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families there remuneration with tax paying commoners money after death, which them as politicians never pays any tax in there life
added by Anonymous 704 days ago 1    0

The problem of Africa is leadership, once Africans learn and understand what leadership means, Africa will develop because its the richest continent on earth. Corruption is one of the effects of leadership hence leaving most countries under developed and their citizens into absolute poverty.
added by Anonymous 1015 days ago 1    0

That is true in many African countries political positions have turned into civil service jobs where in some countries people have been bribed with less that a dollar in order to secure political positions which created misery, poverty of the highest level
People are left in poverty all funds embezzled leaving them to be beggers in their country especially in uganda
added by 1001055076 1351 days ago 2    0

I wish the day comes to stop it, but who know when and how to. It's only God who can help we as Africans.
added by Anonymous 1351 days ago 2    0

Yes all political leaders are corrupt .most of them use the innocent poor people to get what they want through votes which makes them think of only the worldly pleasures forgetting there is heaven
added by Anonymous 1351 days ago 2    0

Its true, african leaders are self motivated people and whoever comes to power doesn't want to leave the throne until there is war and most innocent lives have gone, thsts why l say, 'politics, is adirty game'.especially in African countries
added by 1000965722 1351 days ago 2    0

All I can say it's complicated but one thing I can say is that some of the African presidents are corrupt because they are greedy and they are cowards.
added by 1001108989 1351 days ago 2    0

That's why African leaders who refuse to leave power in peace should be put in courts of law so as to reduce on corruption and also leaders found practicing corruption should also face the courts of law and should be given definite expansion from leadership also night courts should be put in place worldwide to fight such leaders in Africa and should be punished accordingly
added by Anonymous 1351 days ago 2    0

Yes our political leaders are too corrupt , now to an extent that they use public funds to keep themselves in political seat, bring political opponents.
added by Anonymous 1351 days ago 2    0

For real this corruption of the gready and selfish leaders especially among the spotted number of African countries my country Uganda in the list am sick because despite being a graduate i am an able to earn even $1000 after spending so much millions at schools and universities .
My fight is to get millions of yem God willing and am able to make my own City
added by 1001114648 1351 days ago 2    0

To African leaders corruption is the first problem that it will take time for them to practice democracy maybe Africa needs to be colonised again to get rid of corruption
added by Anonymous 1351 days ago 2    0

Corruption of our African leaders or politicians.

Corruption in African especially politicians is becoming so unbearable to an extent that politicians see politics as job and can go to any angles to make sure the retained or stay in a seat of political power forever without minding or caring if there administration is favourable to the masses or not, for instance Nigeria,Mali,Sudan, Cameron and Lybia uptill date non of there citizens are enjoying there God given Mineral resources especially Nigeria were politics is like civil service in which politicians will do everything like killing,hijacking,rigging and even to the extent of sponsoring terrorism to stay in a political power forver and also sponsor bills that will make any given administration continues paying them and families there remuneration with tax paying commoners money after death, which them as politicians never pays any tax in there life,this is so unfortunate to African my dear Continent ... Whom have we offended God.

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