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Donald Trump stunned the political world in 2016 when he became the first person without government or military experience ever to be elected president of the United States. His four-year tenure in the White House revealed extraordinary fissures in American society but left little doubt that he is a figure unlike any other in the nation's history.
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 0    0

Donald Trump stunned the political world in 2016 when he became the first person without government or military experience ever to be elected president of the United States.
added by Anonymous 483 days ago 0    0

he achieved a lot that has never been done before. He created a lot of jobs and protected the USA very well.
added by Anonymous 704 days ago 0    0

Donald Trump stunned the political world in 2016 when he became the first person without government or military experience ever to be elected president of the United States. His four-year tenure in the White House revealed extraordinary fissures in American society but left little doubt that he is a figure unlike any other in the nation's history. Trump, the New York businessman and former reality TV show star, won the 2016 election after a campaign that defied norms and commanded public attention from the moment it began. His approach to governing was equally unconventional. Other presidents tried to unify the nation after turning from the campaign trail to the White House. From his first days in Washington to his last, Trump seemed to revel in the political fight. He used his presidential megaphone to criticize a long list of perceived adversaries, from the news media to members of his own administration, elected officials in both political parties and foreign heads of state.
added by Anonymous 826 days ago 0    0

It will depends on the people of U S A to trust him again with their votes if they have recognised his service to the states. Lets keep him in prayers.
added by Anonymous 1195 days ago 2    0

Yes Donald trump will be there for the next 4 years because there gud things he has done and bad ones,bt they say on agood thing there must be bad thing
added by 1001100493 1346 days ago 2    0

Donald Trump did a great job so far, not just in the U.S. but in the world. North Korea, Middle East, he achieved a lot that has never been done before. He created a lot of jobs and protected the USA very well.

added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 2    0

He saved my family from having to pay the unconstitutional obama care tax as just 1 good thing that has happened in the last 3 years. I did not want their junk overpriced obama care insurance they tried to force on us that did not cover what I wanted, so for those who did not buy the insurance, they wanted to tax us into submission, thank you President Trump for getting rid of that tax. Promises made Promises kept. This is the first time in my lifetime a Presidential candidate has really been able to say that truthfully. I personally love lower taxes, less regulation, and more freedom for us all to live in peace together. Peace in the Middle East and around the world is the best for everyone.
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 2    0

Donald Trump will be President of the United States for 4 more years

I think that despite all the negative press, Donald Trump did a great job so far, not just in the U.S. but in the world. North Korea, Middle East, he achieved a lot that has never been done before. He created a lot of jobs and protected the USA very well.

How do you vote?

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So far l dont believe because, the decision of people shall tell but though l have hopes that he will win, still he made many mistakes which can make people change their minds towards him so its not a guarantee for him
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 1    0

No because of he made too mistakes in his power and the people i think they tired him that's my opinion
added by Anonymous 1352 days ago 1    1