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We learn at every moment of the day. Meanwhile we have to take precautions each time we go astray from the way we do things.
added by 1001277811 209 days ago 1    0

It's true some of us learn from examples and experience as they say experience is the best teacher thus leading to success so we learn through mistakes

added by Anonymous 578 days ago 1    0

It's like the story about the child watching its parents treat the grandparents badly. The grandparents have to take in their meals elsewhere, not in the family's livingroom, they get wooden plates and cutlery for not breaking the expensive china...-
One day the parents watch their small son doing woodwork and ask him what he is producing - his answer is: I'm cutting out the wooden spoons for you both when you are old."
added by 1000836383 579 days ago 1    0

I agree, many people learn from what we are doing,behaviours, therefore we must be careful when expressing our selves publically.
added by Anonymous 579 days ago 2    0

What you have put forward is a good point. In fact in what ever we are doing we should always be cautious especially the elderly and the leaders. Let us be exemplary.
added by Anonymous 581 days ago 2    0

Watch whichever step you make in life and whatever you do in life se one is learning from you.

In everything you do just know one thing that there is someone that is taking lessons from your examples.
It might be a little one watching you and learning that the way you do things is the perfect way they ought be done. It can even be an adult.
You can save or lead that person astray when you do good or bad.
So watch what you do.

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