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To me my thought comes from God because I was made by his image.Moreso His spirit is in me and at the same time leading me.
added by 1001277811 203 days ago 1    0

Yes they're,but many people tend to use the third one reason being that they don't trust their inner man and at the end tears of regrets had I known i wouldn't have decide this way.
added by Anonymous 583 days ago 1    0

Our thoughts are came from our mind on what we perceived, heard and seen. It came also from God who anointed us which we feel to do good things and what pleases him.
added by Anonymous 594 days ago 3    0

Yes, you are quite right. Although we try to reason and think a lot about life, most of the thoughts that come to us are from supernatural powers.
added by Anonymous 595 days ago 2    0

Where exactly do our thoughts come from?

There are three sources of the thoughts that come to us. The first source is your own reasoning based on the information you've acquired from around your environment and beyond.
The second source is from God who communicates His thoughts to you through your mind.
The third and last source is from Satan who brings bad thoughts to pollute your mind and divert you from God's truth.

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