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Today's present Christian and born again children of God are almost imitating the peyof the world by their character but some of them are still admirable.
added by 1001277811 205 days ago 1    0

Nobody is perfect eventhough you are a born again christian. Because human is prone to mistakes but the life of God you receive which is the Holy Spirit makes a perfect and admirable.
added by Anonymous 597 days ago 3    0

Yes, despite the fact that many Christians have gone astray and involved themselves in undesirable world's evil ways, there are nevertheless some who are really pious and very good examples.
added by RWABI KWESIGA MYRES AMOOTI 597 days ago 4    0

Do you have any born again Christian you admire his or hers ways?

The Bibles says that Christians are written epistles or letters read by all men.
In otherwards, a Christian is a billboard that you can read on by her or his actions.
However, today things seems different since most Christians live the way as the world do. Not even admirable to some of them.
So do you have one you admire?

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